Struggling With Your Cabling? Let Us Do It For You!
Even though, we like to think our garden lighting is the simplest garden lighting system currently available, we do realise that until you physically get your hands on it, that it might not be obvious to everyone. So if you have read all the lighting guides and are sitting there thinking, "I just don't get it" or you have an area of your garden that you can't quite work out how best to get power to, help is at hand!
We help customers with their cabling every week, so please don't feel you are alone.
All you need to do is supply us with a basic sketch of your garden which includes
- The lights you wish to use
- Your lighting positions
- The position of your power supply
- Any large structures including bushes and trees we might have to cable around
- All the relevant measurements
- Please also include your contact details (including Telephone number) just in case we need to clarify anything
Your sketch doesn't have to be a modern work of art, but adding as much detail as possible really will help us. Most people simply add their lighting to the sketch using circled numbers then supply us a list of what lights the numbers refer to (similar to the lighting guide in our blog). As a bonus we can even check your lighting to make sure you have the correct transformer (we do this with every order anyway).
If you would like to use our free garden lighting cable design service, please email us on